



Thank you for visiting my website! Here I have provided information about my approach to healing, my beliefs about what works and matters, my ideas about various difficult conditions of life, and myself. I hope you find it helpful.

From my viewpoint, Integrative Psychotherapy means taking risks, moving out of your comfort zone, going deep inside yourself as well as far into the larger global community. It is a humanistic and existential approach which addresses both immediate and ultimate concerns of living.

Integrative Psychotherapy can help you break outmoded habits that may have interfered with celebrating your life and sharing it with the world. Being mindful, you can learn from the past, uncover cast off parts of yourself and work through sticky challenges, and unproductive patterns of thinking and behavior in present day life. Using a variety of complementary techniques--you can learn to undo long-standing, maladaptive behaviors or negative perceptions that stand in the way of a more rich and meaningful life.

Whether it's overcoming depression or overcoming anxiety and learned helplessness; coping with the empty nest and going to college; or moving beyond a set of traumatic events, I will walk you through the process. Valuing the strength of relationship and the innate capacity of the human organism to heal itself, I will teach you to notice the wisdom of your own body and to allow its full expression.

In addition, you can peruse this site and take advantage of free information via the Links and Resources page and the Articles page.

Otherwise, please call or email me for an individual, couples or family therapy consultation.

verified by Psychology Today verified by Psychology Today Directory GoodTherapy

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